भारत सरकार द्वारा मान्यता प्राप्त Center List Online Exam
All India Valid Certificates. Lowest course fees Since we are examination body we do not share from course fees given in Prospectus. Only Registration and exam fees will be charged by the ALC. Training Support for your Faculty, counselor and marketing team. Marketing inputs & guidelines for a sustainable business. Brand Promotion /Advertisements Support High quality standard designs of promotional materials for local promotion. Placement assistance. Automated tools for tracking your business in a single portal that will help you analyze, monitor and manage your growth. NJJF is an Autonomous Organization instituted under the rules and regulation of Government of India. Unique and Job oriented course structure. Good quality study materials. Valuable Certificate, which is accepted in employment exchange. Field assistance is available for franchisees. Lifetime membership. Joint National and International Social activities participation. Zero percent fees sharing. Chances for conducting big projects in the institute. Free training for the faculties of the Institute after the establishment of R&D center in the state. A National newspaper service to every center head. Lifetime active role in resource development. |